Five Self-Care Strategies To Help Manage Sadness

Five Self-Care Strategies To Help Manage Sadness D.R.E.A.M. Clothing

When sadness rears its ugly head, we can often feel as if we are a victim. However, regardless of our situation, there are concrete steps you can take to help manage this affliction.

Proper Nutrition

Eating a well-balanced diet is critical not only to a healthy body but a healthy mind as well. It's important to focus on consuming enough vitamins, such as B12, which bolster positive moods. Likewise, it's important to avoid or limit certain foods that have mood-altering or regulating tendencies, such as coffee, sugar, and alcohol.

Proper Sleep

One of the greatest hindrances to wellness is lack of sleep. It is recommended that people get between 7-9 hours of sleep every night. If you have trouble sleeping at night, try putting doTERRA essential oils on your pillow, or in a diffuser in your bedroom. Essential oils that are soothing, such as lavender, sandalwood, vetiver, and bergamot, are known for their ability to induce sleep naturally and healthily.


Meditation has several fantastic qualities that positively affect our mood and our brain. They are too many to list. In meditation, we allow ourselves to take a step outside our mind and get a broader perspective on our lives and our problems. Meditation also changes our brain chemistry and helps us gain more control of our thought processes.


Getting proper exercise is essential for maintaining a healthy lifestyle and preventing health problems. Taking place in vigorous exercise on a regular basis does wonders for regulating our moods. It releases endorphins, which boost our mood, and allow us to take our mind off our daily worries. Professionals recommended 30 minutes of exercise a day, three to five times per week.


Journaling is a recommended activity by many therapists and counselors and is an integral part of understanding our own issues and thoughts. Regular journal writing, like meditation, helps us gain perspective on our thoughts and our lives. This helps us clear through the muck, so to speak, and allows us to see our situation from a different angle.

Wear What You Love

When you're combating feelings of sadness, it's important that you care for yourself in every way. Feeling attractive brings feelings of radiance, beauty, and strength, and you need those radiant energies to help you out of your rut. Wear what you love and feel beautiful. This will help you get traction in your life and find new ways to recover emotionally.

These tips, while they may not completely solve your sadness or emotional issues, will definitely help in its management. Emotional issues are never easy, and if you are experiencing a particularly rough patch, please seek professional help if that is a possibility.


Harvard Health Publishing


Psychology Today


Very Well Mind

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