Tough Times Don’t Last...

Tough Times Don’t Last... DREAM Clothing

Tough times don’t last, but tough people do. At least that’s what they like to say to us in order to keep us fighting more through all this. 

It’s weird. COVID-19 was one of the biggest disturbances we had in the history of our world and it has thrown a wrench into so many peoples lives. Outside of the millions of people who have been sick because of the virus and to the thousands who have lost the fight to it, there are millions of people affected in other ways.

At DREAM, I have done everything I can to aid people in this fight. Whether it be donating masks, funding COVID-19 research, helping NAMI with creating their programs to help combat Mental Health initiatives in regards to COVID and so on. However, I know it can never be enough to help everyone out during this time and that’s what pains me the most. 

As hard as I try, as much I do, it will never be enough...but I hope that changes. In April, during the worst part of the year for everyone, DREAM had it’s best month. Maybe it had to do with the TikTok that went viral, all the new drops, or maybe even the quality of designs I released but it taught me one thing, I can really do more to help. $8000+ donated, $1000 worth of masks, and more all in one month. That is 3 months worth all in one month. 

DREAM needs to grow more. I don’t know how, but I do know when...and that’s now. Unfortunately, with the growth it has also caused a huge issue for me as now I have a lot more on my plate. The more people come in and learn about us the more people I have to potentially disappoint. The more people that may not understand how small this operation actually is. I take the good with the bad, but the bad hurts me a lot more than the good helps and I guess that’s thanks to my anxiety. 

No matter what happens this month, or next, or the one after...I know one thing is true. DREAM is going to survive and thrive through these times.

Hopefully 2 years from now I can read this blog post and laugh while I am helping people by offering them world class benefits, live-able wages, and more. And hopefully, in 2 years I am building my own Mental Health programs to help remove the luxury boundary of therapy and help people get help when they need it. 

One can dream big, and that dreamer is me. Although I have never felt more stress in my life, I know that this tough guy will last, and I know al of you will too. 


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