The Winds of Change Blow Gently

The Winds of Change Blow Gently - DREAM Clothing

Change. Change is the most difficult thing anyone can imagine doing. Often we get lost in our comfort zones and that doesn't allow us to grow anymore. Unfortunately, DREAM fell victim to the comfort zone. 

We don't need to tell you how rough 2022 has been, we are sure it has been pretty obvious. Starting with supply chain issues, to issues with funding certain ideas we had, and now staring at a potential recession brings up a lot of cause for concern. However, what type of brand would we be and what type of person would I be if I went against my own advice and just gave up?

No. I don't do that. 

Change is coming, Dreamers. There is a reason why a big portion of our site is on sale right now. We want to bring back the creativity and style that you all loved from us so much without running the same concept down the drain every single time. We drop a lot too, that is also going to stop. 

On December 1st, 2022 it will be our 5 year anniversary. On that day you will see a major change from us. We will be unveiling our new logo, mascot, and our new color schemes. We will be moving from a brand that although provides designs and clothing for everyone but sometimes seems directionless. Direction is key to us and focusing on Mental Health is the #1 goal of ours in 2023. 

12/1/2022 will also be the launch of our Winter Collection. A collection that will come out with over 40+ BRAND new products. More info on that to come later but that will be ONE drop we have up for more than a month with no additional drops to give you time to get what you want while we work on the next few things. 

On August 10 we will be releasing our newest design and this design will give you a taste of what we are moving towards. It is called "You Deserve To Be Loved" and the image is on top of this post. Full lineup will be revealed  soon but this is our "Let Them Know You Love Them" of 2022 and we have a lot of big plans with this design as our goal is to achieve a massive $15,000 donation to our partners at RAD to help them with paid therapy for our Dreamers. 

As far as the discounts and big sales go, more than 95% of our items will be gone by December 1. Yes, we will be releasing a Halloween collection, a few collabs, some new designs and licensed goods over the next few months but none will be here once 12/1 is around. Take advantage of what we have now and help support us in our mission to help everyone in the world. 

I love you all, no matter how hard this pain is right now I will never stop fighting for my dreams and DREAM.

- Sammy Dreamin'

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