Message from CEO - Sammy Sucu
Hello Dreamers, Nothing is more uncomfortable than change. We all love our to operate within our comfort zones and for some of us who battle with anxiety and adjustment disorder,...
An Open Letter to Myself...
Happiness is a funny concept. It's something we are all wanting to achieve so badly but for some us, it is extremely difficult to grasp what real happiness is. I...
Tough Times Don’t Last...
Tough times don’t last, but tough people do. At least that’s what they like to say to us in order to keep us fighting more through all this. It’s weird....
2 Years Later...What a Ride It’s Been
This has been a long time coming as I used to frequently speak my thoughts here but as of late I have not had the time to do so. With...
SypherPK X Dream
SypherPK x D.R.E.A.M. We at D.R.E.A.M. are very happy to announce this special Collaboration to Help Raise Mental Health Awareness with one of the most genuine streamers and content creators;...
Introducing...The New D.R.E.A.M. Logo
The Story Behind the Original Logo November 2017 was when Dreams Rule Everything Around Me (D.R.E.A.M.) was born. Two months before was when I came up with the idea to...
5 Best Songs To Aid Your Battle with Mental Illness
Here at DREAM, we are all about finding ways to not only help raise awareness about Mental Health disorders and mental illnesses, but we also want to help find natural...
Be Nice to One Another...It's Not Difficult
Be Nice to others FOR NO REASON. This is an important message I want all of you to take in and understand. Being nice is not a difficult thing to...
The End Game
What is Your End Game with DREAM? This is a valid question and one that I have received multiple times from friends, family, loyal supporters, and mentors of mine. As...
Thank You...
Giving thanks to people is important. In this life we can't really say we did anything on our own because whether it be from the support, influence, love and even hate from...
Why Is It So Hard to Feel Like You Belong?
Belonging is a feeling brought out by actions. Actions speak louder than words. Words have no meaning unless steps are taken to back up those words. So when you tell...
What You Should Know About Mental Illness and Substance Abuse
Mental illness and addiction are often treated as separate issues. While they are different disorders, studies show that there is a clear connection between mental illness and substance abuse. Because...